Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Gay Shame on HRC

"Join Gay Shame SF and LAGAI-Queer Insurrection to ask how can the Human Rights Campaign claim to be for the rights of humans, while cheering on corporate culture and selling goods manufactured in sweatshops. Contrary to popular belief, capitalism has nothing to do with respect for human life. One of the basic ideas of capitalism is that profits come before everything else. During the Castro Street Fair this October 7th, 2007, kids of all ages will learn to play on the sewing machine, the button press, the sequin runner, the paint fume bouncy tent, and the lab rat chemical dunk.

The ultra straight-washed HRC urges us to “Buy for equality by giving the following multinational corporations a “GREEN LIGHT” for their commitment to “equality”.

First off we have Coors who have faced a boycott starting in the 1970s because of their donations to the Heritage Foundation, a far-right anti-gay, anti-woman organization and other attack squads. Up next we have the poster child for sweatshop manufacturing, NIKE. Even Clear Channel, home of homophobic DJ Michael Savage, gets a go ahead. And we are reminded to fill up for equality with Shell Oil which only got a 85 but our heroes BP and Chevron did score a perfect 100. We cannot forget the amazing work of global pharmaceutical domination with our friends over at Merck who, through patented AIDS medication make sure HIV + folks in Brazil and Thailand (and even the good old USA), cannot afford Efavirenz.

LAGAI -- Queer Insurrection and Gay Shame dare to ask the blaringly obvious question: What about queer people working in sweatshops, or working class/ poor people around the world and in the US that have their lives and health ripped to pieces to manufacture the HRC’s vision of equality? "

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